Survivors of Jihad attack in Indonesia’s Moluccas under threat

9 August 2000 (Newsroom) — Some 2,000 survivors of an attack last week on a Christian village on Indonesia’s eastern island of Ambon are hiding under life-threatening conditions in a nearby jungle, according to the Missionary Service News Agency (MISNA).

Open Doors Issues Persecution World Watch List

SANTA ANA, CA (July 18, 2000) (ASSIST) — Although Indonesia is only 25th on the Open Doors .World Watch List of worst persecutors of Christians, it is “rapidly getting out of control,” says Terry Madison, USA President and CEO of Open Doors with Brother Andrew.

Indonesian military leader calls for martial law in Maluku

25 June 2000 (Newsroom) — Indonesia’s top military leader wants martial law imposed on the eastern province of Maluku to stem growing anarchy in the wake of last week’s slaughter of 156 Christians by Muslim militia, the Jakarta Post reported. Since Wednesday, at least 47 Muslims and Christians have been killed and hundreds have been injured in clashes in the provincial capital of Ambon.

Indonesia vice president makes third peace mission to Moluccas

25 April 2000 (Newsroom) — Indonesia vice president Megawati Sukarnoputri is visiting the Molucca archipelago this week in a further attempt to diffuse tensions between Muslims and Christians that have resulted in an estimated 3,000 deaths since January 1999.

Spice Islands clashes continue

27 March 2000 (Newsroom) — At least 40 people were killed last week in continuing sectarian violence in Indonesia’s Moluccas, also known as the Spice Islands. According to news reports, the fatalities resulted from clashes between Muslims and Christians in the town of Galela on the island of Halmahera in North Malaku province.

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