India: Two pastors attacked by Hindu radicals

As persecution of Christians in India continues, Hindu radicals violently assaulted and threatened to kill two pastors in Chhattisgarh state earlier this month, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Chhattisgarh state has seen a spike in attacks on Christians following inciting hate speeches against believers made by Hindu nationalists at public rallies.

India: Two pastors attacked by Hindu radicals

As persecution of Christians in India continues, Hindu radicals violently assaulted and threatened to kill two pastors in Chhattisgarh state earlier this month, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Chhattisgarh state has seen a spike in attacks on Christians following inciting hate speeches against believers made by Hindu nationalists at public rallies.

India Hindu Mob, Police Detain Christians

Christian leaders held emergency talks with authorities in central India where police detained scores of Christians instead of the Hindu nationalists who attacked them.

India: Evangelist pastor forced into hiding after Hindus attack and threaten to kill him

A pastor who was leading Hindus to Christ has taken his three children into hiding after Hindu radicals in India’s Bihar state attacked and threatened to kill him unless he shut down his church, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Pastor Raj Masih, who lost his wife to COVID-19 earlier this year, had been holding services for at least 300 people prior to the attack on September 28.

India: Pastor arrested after Hindus storm his church

A local Christian pastor in India’s Karnataka state was charged with carrying out “malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings” last month, after Hindu militants stormed into his church and called on police to arrest him, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reports. Christians in India have been under increasing persecution since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took power in 2014.

Hindu radicals violently attack Christian congregation, women seriously injured

Hindu extremists last week violently attacked a home prayer meeting attended by 50 Christians in India’s Chhattisgarh state, severely injuring a number of women and making one of them eat cow dung, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. Persecution against Christians in India has intensified dramatically since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.

India State Investigates Christian Activities

The Hindu-led government of southern India’s Karnataka state has reportedly launched an investigation into Christian activities linked to alleged “forced conversions” to Christianity.

India: Police beat up Christians arrested on false charges

Police in India’s Uttar Pradesh state last month beat up two Christians they had arrested on false charges of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Believers in Uttar Pradesh are reportedly experiencing a wave of intense persecution as Hindu nationalists continually abuse harsh anti-conversion laws to have them arrested and detained on false charges.

India: 200 Hindu nationalists attack church

A mob of 200 Hindu nationalists attacked a church in India’s Uttarakhand state last week, damaging the church and seriously injuring three Christian women, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata came to power in 2014, India has progressed from ranking 31 on the US Open Doors annual Watch List of countries that persecute Christians to ranking 10 in 2021.

Christian Teenager Burned To Death In India

A devoted Christian teenager who suffered burns of up to 70 percent of his body after an acid attack in eastern India has died, Christian aid workers told Worthy News Thursday.

India: Evangelist in Himachal Pradesh state arrested for distributing Bibles

A pentecostal evangelist in India’s Himachal Pradesh state was arrested Tuesday for distributing Bibles and Gospel pamphlets, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. India ranks 10 on the US Open Doors Watch List of top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted: the persecution of believers has intensified since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.

India: Mob of 100 Hindus attack church in Chhattisgarh

A mob of around 100 Hindu nationalists invaded a church in India’s Chhattisgarh state on Sunday, August 29, beating up congregants, destroying property, and setting up and worshipping Hindu idols in the sanctuary, Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) reports. Christian leaders in Chhattisgarh have denounced the continuing inaction of authorities to deal with the ongoing harassment and attacks against believers in the state by Hindu nationalists.

Worthy Christian News