India: Christians wait for authorities to investigate policeman who burned down church building

Christians in India’s Chhattisgarh state are waiting expectantly for authorities to take action against a Hindu police officer who they believe burned down their church building earlier this year because he did not like their worship services, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. As persecution against Christians by Hindu extremists continues to intensify, believers report that obtaining justice is difficult because police officers are being radicalized by Hinduist hardliners.

India Christians Homeless After Hindu Attacks

Several Christian families in India’s eastern state of Odisha are still homeless and “in dire need of groceries” after Hindu extremists attacked them, several sources told Worthy News.

India: 18 Christians jailed after closed case is reopened

Eighteen Christians who were falsely accused in a five-year-old closed vandalism case in India’s Chhattisgarh state were re-arrested and jailed for several days in the same case before being ordered to reappear in court on April 29, Morning Star News (MSN).

India State Detains Evangelical Christians

Police in India’s northern Uttar Pradesh state have detained dozens of evangelical Christians for allegedly violating a law banning “religious conversion” after complaints by Hindus.

India: Brutally beaten pastor faces eviction amid continuing Hindu extremist persecution

A Christian pastor who is still recovering after Hindu extremists beat him almost to death in India’s Madhya Pradesh state in January is now facing eviction after his assailants told his landlord to throw him out of his home, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Christians in India have come under increasingly intense persecution since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014.

India: Pastor attacked as Hindu persecution of Christians continues

As the harassment and persecution of Christians in India by Hindu nationalists continues to intensify, a pastor in Delhi was violently attacked last month by a mob accusing him of forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

India: Christians jailed on false charges

Four Christians in India’s Madhya Pradesh state have been jailed on false charges of trying to forcibly convert Hindus to faith in Jesus Christ, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Anti-conversion laws in numerous Indian states are increasingly abused by Hindu nationalist extremists to imprison, assault, murder, and displace Christians in the country.

India: Hindu extremists destroy churches

Hindu extremists on February 5 destroyed two church buildings in separate states in India, Voice of the Martyrs Canada (VOM) reports. Persecution against Christians in India has intensified greatly since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014.

India: Hindu radicals attack two pastors in Haryana state

A group of Hindu extremists violently attacked two pastors in northern India’s Haryana state last month, accusing them of receiving foreign funding to forcibly convert Hindus to Christianity, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Persecution of Christians in India has increased dramatically since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took power in 2014.

India: Christians pray and fast for unity as persecution intensifies

As persecution against Christians in India intensifies, many Indian believers spent Sunday 30 January, the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination in 1948, in prayer and fasting for peace and unity in their country, Christian Today (CT) reports.

India: Pastor and family violently attacked in their home

Chanting “kill him, kill him,” a gang of suspected Hindu extremists brutally beat up a pastor and his family at their home in Chandauli, in India’s Uttar Pradesh state on January 14, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. Christians have come under intensifying persecution from Hindu radicals since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014.

India: Christians under attack in Karnataka state

Christians in India’s Karnataka state came under a surge of violent attacks by Hindu extremists during the Christmas period last month, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. Joining other Indian states, Karnataka has passed a new anti-conversion law that has reportedly encouraged Hindu nationalists to attack believers they falsely accuse of forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity.

Worthy Christian News