India: Hindu Extremists Drive 50 Christian Farmers Off Their Land

The International Christian Concern (ICC) aid and advocacy organization reported last week that its staff recently witnessed an attack on Christians in Chhattisgarh state in which Hindu extremists drove a community of 50 farmers and their families off their land. 

India: Christians Faced “Alarmingly Steep Rise” In Violent Persecution Over Last Year, Report

The Religious Liberty Commission of Evangelical Fellowship of India (RLC) warns in a new report that Christians in India faced an “alarmingly steep rise” in violent persecution against them in the year leading up to the spring elections of 2024. The RLC gave its assessment in its latest annual report titled “Hate and Targeted Violence Against Christians in India, 2023.”

India: Hindu Extremists Violently Attack Three Members Of Christian Family Over Refusal To Renounce Christ

Hindu extremists in India’s Chhattisgarh state violently assaulted a Christian man and his father and brother last week after he refused to renounce Christ and return to Hinduism, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) reports. Christians in Chhattisgarh state have been increasingly violently targeted by Hindu extremists who, emboldened by the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, are seeking to impose their version of the religion as the dominant ideology in India.

India: Hindus Attack 8 Christians in Chhattisgarh State, Indian Christians Suffering “Psychological Trauma”

Hindu extremists in India are continuing to persecute Christians in their zeal to ensure Hindu nationalism is the dominant ideology in this vast country: in a recent incident, a mob of Hindus in Chhattisgarh state attacked and hospitalized eight Christians who were on their way home from their weekly house church meeting, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

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