India: Hindus Must Stop Conversions, or Become a Minority
The leader of the ultra-nationalist Vishwa Hindu Parishad group decried the conversions of Hindus to other faiths at a rally in Bhopal last Saturday, according to AsiaNews.
The leader of the ultra-nationalist Vishwa Hindu Parishad group decried the conversions of Hindus to other faiths at a rally in Bhopal last Saturday, according to AsiaNews.
The worst anti-Christian pogrom of the 21st Century was done by Hindu nationalists in India, as reported by Morning Star News.
Last month, police arrested seven members of a Hindu Vahini group accused of attacking the pastor of the Hebron Church at his home in Vikarabad, 39 miles from the Indian state capital of Hyderabad, Deputy Superintendent of Police Ram Mohan Roa told Morning Star News.
Seven Indian Christians have been sentenced to life imprisonment after being unjustly convicted of murdering a militant Hindu leader back in 2008, according to BarnabasAid.
Last month a large mob of Hindus destroyed a church in northern India and then beat the pastor and his congregation, according to Barnabas Aid.
Twenty Baptist pastors have been attacked by suspected Hindu militants in southeastern India and several church leaders required hospital treatment for severe injuries, representatives said Friday, June 7.
Nearly fourteen years after Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons were burned to death by a mob in eastern India, police have detained two more suspects, Worthy News learned Monday, May 20.
A Christian-run children’s home in India was attacked in April by a mob of Muslims who assaulted its staff and visitors and then damaged its property, according to Barnabas Aid.
Devoted Christians in India’s central state of Chhattisgarh urged the government on Sunday, March 3, to provide protection to churches after Hindu militants broke up evangelical meetings and local police detained four pastors.
A key human rights official warned Tuesday, February 12, that corruption within the police and government of India’s eastern state of Orissa has contributed to renewed violence against Christians in which at least five people were killed, while several “innocent” believers remain jailed.
Seven Christians who were accused of killing Hindu nationalist leader Laxmanananda Saraswati back in 2008 remain imprisoned while thousands of their fellow believers still live in fear of further reprisals resulting from his political assassination, according to International Christian Concern.
Impoverished Christian villagers in India’s western state of Maharashtra were refused water and firewood Tuesday, January 8, after a Hindu attack on their house church injured some 30 believers, a chief investigator told Worthy News.
An Indian evangelical pastor was recovering of injuries, after he and his family were beaten by “anti-Christian” Hindu extremists near the capital New Delhi, a major mission group and relatives said.
A Christian mission leader “kidnapped by terrorists” in north-eastern India has been released and was with his wife and children Tuesday, July 31, unharmed, missionaries said.
During the last two months, Christians in the Southern India village of Vanagiri Menavar have been banned from corporate worship and their children refused access to school, but now Hindu leaders have banned them from fishing.
About 30 Sangha Parivar activists forcibly entered Immanuel Sakineh House Church and began attacking the congregation, alleging that they were involved in the forcible and fraudulent conversion of Hindus to Christianity; after destroying all the Bibles and Christian literature they could find, the activists then phoned the Basappakatte police station who immediately took Pastor Mounesh into custody for further inquiry.
More than 50 Hindu nationalists attacked the pastor of the Pentecostal Fellowship Prayer group and a dozen families of his community on June 15.
Police investigations continued Monday, June 11, into the reasons behind the murder of a Protestant pastor in southern India and the destruction of a church in the north where hundreds of Christians have reportedly fled their homes, Worthy News monitored.
Hindus who tried to stop the burial of a Christian convert last week in Chattisgar state beat a pastor and other Christians, including children and the elderly, according to Compass News.
Christians in India’s eastern West Bengal state were recovering of their injuries Thursday, April 12, after Muslim militants broke up a prayer meeting and beat up believers, including women, local police and Christians said.