Pakistan: Hope for Christian Youth Jailed on Blasphemy Charges

A 17-year-old Christian youth who is incarcerated in Punjab Province, Pakistan has been granted bail in one of three cases against him of blasphemy – although he will remain in prison over Christmas because of the remaining two cases, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.

Pakistan: Christian Father Jailed on Alleged Blasphemy Charge

As Christians in Punjab Province, Pakistan, continue to face intense violent persecution from Islamic extremists, a Christian father of three was arrested on November 3 and jailed pending trial for blasphemy, Morning Star News reports. 

Pakistan Court Acquits Christians Of Blasphemy

Two sisters, both Christians, have been acquitted two months after being charged with “blasphemy” against Islam in Pakistan’s Punjab province, but concerns remain about other believers still held in Pakistani prisons, Christians said.

Prayers Urged For Kidnapped Christian Girls In Pakistan

Christians have urged “prayers for the safety of girls” in Pakistan after a Christian girl who was kidnapped last month, forced to convert to Islam, and marry one of her Muslim captors came to symbolize their suffering.

Pakistan: Young Christian Girl Abducted and Forced into Islamic Marriage

A 16-year-old Christian girl has been kidnapped from her home in Punjab Province, Pakistan, and forced into marriage with the Islamic man who abducted her, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. With an increasing number of young non-Muslim girls being abducted and forced into Islamic marriages, Pakistan ranks 7 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

Attacked Christians In Pakistan Still Await Relief, Justice

Over a year after thousands of furious Muslims attacked a Christian area in the city of Jaranwala in Pakistan’s Punjab province, many survivors living there still await promised “relief and justice,” well-informed Christian aid workers told Worthy News.

Pakistan: Just 12 Jaranwala Rioters Facing Trial After Hundreds Arrested

One year after the devastating Islamic riot against Christians in Jaranwala, Pakistan in August last year, just 12 of the more than 300 people arrested are facing trials, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Islamic-majority Pakistan ranks 7 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

Worthy Christian News