Billy Graham will lie in honor in the US Capitol Rotunda

The Rev. Billy Graham’s body will lie in honor in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda next week, the first time a private citizen has been accorded such recognition since civil rights hero Rosa Parks in 2005.

For decades Graham offered counsel and comfort to presidents

He was rebuffed, then embraced, by Harry Truman. Confided in — and deeply hurt by — Richard Nixon. A source of reassurance for George H.W. Bush on the eve of war. The spark that finally turned George W. Bush toward sobriety.

Open Doors Has Rebuilt 678 Homes in a Christian Community That Were Destroyed By ISIS

The organization Open Doors has announced that they have joined with partners in Iraq to restore almost 700 homes destroyed after ISIS rose to power in the Nineveh Plains. Many local Christians fled their communities when the radical Islamic group took over large portions of Iraq and Syria, abandoning their homes — many of which were ransacked, fell into disrepair or destroyed.

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