Two Pastors in Burma Sentenced to Prison

Two assistant pastors arrested by the Burma (Myanmar) army last December were sentenced to prison on Friday (Oct. 27) on false charges of unlawful association, defaming the military and spying, sources said.

The social media ads Russia wanted Americans to see

Russian accounts bought thousands of social media ads on hot-button U.S. issues ranging from Black Lives Matter to illegal immigration, according to a batch of the ads released Wednesday by members of the House intelligence panel.

Venezuela introduces 100,000 bolivar bill worth $2

Venezuela announced plans to begin issuing 100,000-bolivar notes on Wednesday as the government struggles to control skyrocketing inflation. One year ago, the largest bill was only 100 bolivars – an amount that is now practically worthless.

Fed keeps rates unchanged, remains on road to December hike

The Federal Reserve kept interest rates unchanged on Wednesday and pointed to solid U.S. economic growth and a strengthening labor market while playing down the impact of recent hurricanes, a sign it is on track to lift borrowing costs again in December.

Amid Pence promises, persecuted Iraqi Christians still in perilous limbo

Hundreds of thousands of persecuted Christians, Yazidis and other minorities driven from battered northern Iraq are still in a perilous limbo, as humanitarian groups struggle to make sense of a new Trump Administration initiative rolled out after Vice President Mike Pence’s October 25 promise to ‘stop funding ineffective relief efforts at the United Nations’ and ‘provide support directly to persecuted communities through USAID.’

Trump calls for ending visa program after N.Y. attack, blasts Democrats

President Donald Trump on Wednesday seized on the deadly New York City truck attack to step up demands for stricter U.S. immigration laws, asking Congress to end a visa program that let the Uzbek suspect into the country and saying he might send him to Guantanamo Bay.

House passes wildfire management bill

The House approved legislation on Wednesday intended to reduce the risk of wildfires, as the government struggles to respond to the most expensive year ever for this type of natural disaster.

Uranium One and New START

Some U.S. national security officials are urging an investigation of the burgeoning Uranium One scandal to focus on whether the New START arms treaty with Russia was compromised by Moscow payoffs and not just by Obama administration policies that sought to curry favor with the Kremlin.

Facebook, Twitter Drop ‘Bombshell’ on Trump-Russia ‘Collusion’

For many months, Democrats, the mainstream media and even social-media networks have been insisting President Trump colluded with the Russians during the 2016 presidential election and Russia purchased political ads on Facebook and Twitter to stop Americans from voting for Hillary Clinton.

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