Netanyahu rejects Obama’s assertion that Israel now supports Iran accord

Israel on Friday firmly rejected US President Barack Obama’s claim that its officials now support last year’s nuclear deal with Iran. Far from accepting Obama’s assertion, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel’s stance had not changed, while the Israeli Defense Ministry compared the accord to the Munich Agreement signed by the European powers with Nazi Germany in 1938.

Obama says Islamic State on the run, despite attacks around globe

President Obama said Thursday that the U.S.-led fight against the Islamic State is making progress in spite of high-profile terrorist attacks, while Republican nominee Donald Trump charged that Mr. Obama has allowed the Islamist extremist group to rampage “out of control.”

Trump Falling Behind Clinton in National Polls

It took all of two weeks for Donald Trump’s support to collapse. In mid-to-late July he began to pull ahead nationally. The last three major national polls have shown him trailing Hillary Clinton by 9, 10 and 15 points.

World Vision Doubts Hamas Pocketed Millions, says Gaza aid is audited

A global charity cast doubt Thursday on Israel’s indictment of one of its Palestinian aid workers for diverting million of dollars to fund the Hamas war machine in the Gaza Strip and insisted it conducts regular audits and evaluations to ensure financial aid in coastal enclave reaches those who need it most.

White House denies $400 million payment to Iran was ransom for hostages

The Obama administration insisted Wednesday that its airlift of $400 million in cash to Iran in January wasn’t ransom for the release of five imprisoned Americans, while Republican lawmakers called the move appeasement and demanded that Secretary of State John F. Kerry turn over documents and testify before Congress.

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