Saudi Arabia to Deport 15 Christians

The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that Saudi Arabia is deporting 15 Christians on Tuesday, August 5th, for holding private worship meetings in a house in the city of Taif.

Christian Family Under Islamic Gunfire

Tensions remained high Saturday, August 2, in a village on the outskirts of the Pakistani city of Sargodha, where gun wielding Muslim militant ransacked a Christian family’s home, family members and police told BosNewsLife.

Iran: Jailed Christian in Critical Condition

A diabetic Iranian Christian jailed for two months is in critical condition due to lack of medical treatment, even as new reports of arrests against Christians surfaced this week.

Indonesia: Students Demand Safe Return to College

For a second consecutive night some 580 students from the Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology (SETIA) in East Jakarta slept in the lobby of Indonesia’s parliament yesterday following demonstrations against the school that left at least 17 students injured.

Worthy Christian News