Bush Set to Appoint Kurtzer as Israeli Ambassador

US President George W. Bush is poised to name Daniel Kurtzer, currently US envoy to Egypt and a veteran of the Middle East peace process, as the next American ambassador to Israel.

Arab Leaders Flock to Amman Summit

Arab leaders have gathered in Amman for a significant Arab League summit that appears set to follow a familiar script, taking a united stand against Israel, but not quite trusting the Palestinians, while remaining divided on regional troublemaker Iraq.

Bush, Sharon Pressed on Israeli MIA Issue

If thirty US Senators have their way, President George W. Bush will make sure he agrees to help visiting Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon locate Israel’s MIA’s.

Mitchell Probe Ends Visit

The US-led Mitchell Committee got a close-up look at the renewed intifada during its tour of Israel and Palestinian areas and headed home on Sunday to finish its report on the causes of the last six months of violence.

US Veto Spares Israel Another Blow at UN

In one of the first major foreign policy moves of the new Bush Administration, the US on Tuesday night vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for an international observer force to “protect” Palestinians.

Iran Goes Shopping in Russia

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami is concluding a visit to Russia, where he has finalized deals for the purchase of conventional arms from Moscow and for continued assistance with Iran’s controversial nuclear program.

Barak Puts Oslo on Hold After Arab Summit

Following another bloody weekend of Palestinian rioting and a threatening resolution out of the Arab League summit in Cairo on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak has suspended indefinitely the Oslo peace process. The move opens the door a little wider for an emergency national unity government with the opposition Likud party, but drew a sharp retort from Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who forsees only gains by prolonging the conflict.

Katsav Joins Battle To Save Temple Mount Treasures

Israeli President Moshe Katsav demanded on Wednesday that the government stop the destruction of antiquities on the Temple Mount, adding that he could not shake off the impression that the Waqf’s goal is not only to reinforce Muslim control of the Mount, but “to erase every Jewish trace” there.

UN Says Lebanon Water Project Is Minor Diversion

There were calls in recent days for calmer heads to prevail over the building of a water pumping station along a tributary of the upper Jordan River on the Israel-Lebanon border.

Israel Nabs Ramallah Terrorists, Eases Closure

Israeli security forces disclosed on Thursday they have captured three more members of the Ramallah-based terror cell organized by PLO chief Yasser Arafat’s elite Force 17, which was responsible for a string of attacks that killed eight Israelis and was planning a massive car-bombing in Jerusalem.

Arab Rulers Meet Ahead of Amman Summit

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan’s King Abdullah were to meet with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad in Damascus on Wednesday for talks ahead of the Arab summit in Amman slated for the end of the month.

Arafat has Escape Deal with Saddam

An Israeli official confirmed Monday that PLO chief Yasser Arafat has salted away $20 million in pilfered funds in a Swiss Bank account, a nest egg that Israeli security believes he has offered to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in exchange for a safe haven if forced to leave Gaza.

Israel in Dual with PA Over Ramallah

The city of Ramallah is serving as the showcase in a battle of wills between the new government of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the recoiling regime of PLO chief Yasser Arafat over the use of economic sanctions and blockades to douse the violent Palestinian uprising.

Iraqis Training to “Liberate Jerusalem”

Iraqis Training to “Liberate Jerusalem” Two large groups of Iraqi volunteers began military training this weekend in preparation for fulfilling their vows to liberate “all of Palestine.” Last October, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein called for volunteers for his “Jerusalem Army,” to join the Palestinian intifada. On Sunday, the second group of several thousand recruits bid their families emotional farewells in Baghdad as they left for military training. The throngs of volunteers chanted, “with our blood and souls, we sacrifice for Saddam,” before kissing their wives and children goodbye. The first batch of thousands of Jerusalem Army volunteers left Baghdad on … Read more

Keeping Vigil on Israel’s Borders

The recent Palestinian uprising has aroused anti-Israel passions far and wide, and forced Israel to keep a sharper watch on its borders.

Taliban Crushes Statues Despite Pleas of Fellow Muslims

Despite universal outrage and even widespread condemnation from leading Muslim circles, the ruling Taliban faction in Kabul has proceeded with the destruction of non-Islamic statues in Afghanistan.

Donors Balk at Funding PA Corruption

United Nations and European Union officials increasingly fear that the worsening economic conditions in the Palestinian Authority will only increase poverty and lead to more violence. But for the first time, the EU is seriously threatening to withhold further funding unless the PA starts to combat terrorism and adopts a revised and “transparent” budget plan.

Sharon Clamps Down on Ramallah After Arrest of Terror Cell

New Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the IDF to tighten its blockade of Ramallah over the weekend, following the arrest of members of an active terrorist cell in the area and specific intelligence that other members of the cell are still at large.

Lebanon Arrests Twelve “Spies” For Israel

The Lebanese army has detained 12 people, including a Palestinian officer, accusing them of spying for Israel, the military said Thursday. The army statement did not say when or where the 12 were arrested, but said they were caught with sophisticated wireless and camouflaged photography equipment.

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