France Has ‘Most Right-Wing’ Government

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By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News

PARIS (Worthy News) – Over two months after the parliamentary elections, France has a new government.

Prime Minister Michel Barnier officially announced the names of the new ministers of what observers describe as “the most right-wing government” since that of François Fillon, under then-president Nicolas Sarkozy.

After 2-1/2 months of political uncertainty since centrist President Emmanuel Macron’s surprise decision to call early elections, Barnier has assembled a cabinet he hopes will find cross-party support in the fragmented parliament.

His team includes Bruno Retailleau, a leader of former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative party. Analysts say he negotiated the coveted interior ministry as a price for support in parliament.

Barnier, a former European Union negotiator for Britain’s exit from the EU, or “Brexit,” also authorized some junior ministers to oversee key policies directly, including on European affairs and the budget.

Given his experience in Brussels and public concern over France’s mounting budget deficit, Barnier had been due to play a more significant role in negotiations with the EU’s executive European Commission.

The talks are expected to focus on the so-called “excessive deficit procedure” Paris was put under last year for breaching EU rules on public spending.

Taken together, it is “the most right-wing government since the Fillon administration under Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency” more than a decade ago, said veteran political commentator Alain Duhamel on news channel BFM.

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