US National Debt Exceeds $35 Trillion for the First Time

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by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – The US national debt has officially surpassed a massive $35 trillion, having increased by nearly $5 billion every day so far in 2025, Yahoo Finance reports.
The debt increased by nearly $8 trillion during the Republican administration of former President Donald Trump and is set to see a similar rise under the Democratic administration of current President Joe Biden.

In a report published Monday, the Treasury Department said the debt had reached a gross level of $35.001278 trillion on Friday, July 26.

“America’s red ink has now jumped by more than 75% during the Trump and Biden administrations, and yet the issue has been relegated to the back burner during the 2024 campaign season,” Yahoo Finance noted in its report. “Not only that, deficit hawks warn, it’s often been pushed aside in favor of ideas that could increase debt even further.”

In a statement about the climbing debt, Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, said: “The borrowing just keeps marching along, reckless and unyielding. Despite all the risks and warning signs, these alarm bells seem to be falling on deaf ears.”

The debt now represents 120% of GDP after a peak of over 125% during the height of COVID-era spending in 2020, Yahoo Finance noted.

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