Bible is being translated into 20 Zambian languages

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – The Wycliffe Associates Bible translation organization has launched a major pioneering work in that it is now translating the Scriptures into 20 new languages that are native to Zambia, Africa, Christian Headlines reports.
Zambia has 73 languages, but only seven have been considered official, and only those seven had Bible translations, CH reports. Wycliffe Associates has now allocated 5,000 people to work in Zambia to translate the Bible into 20 other Zambian languages.
Christians in Zambia were reportedly dancing with joy after reading and listening to the reading of the New Testament in Aushi, their native language, for the first time.
Bishop Henry Mumba, a pastor and church planter who is helping with church-owned translation work in Munsa, told CBN News: “It’s like God is speaking our language. We’ve never had anything before.”
Pastor Buster Paul Tembo Tembo of Livingston explained to CBN News the importance of the Zambian translation project, emphasizing that having the Scriptures in one’s own language has a great impact on a Christian’s life.
“When you bring it out in your own language, when you read it out in your own language, even the interpretation of it to the people, the understanding you have or bring to the people is so clear,” Tembo said.