IDF drills for multi-front war, including 1,500 rockets a day fired from Lebanon

(Worthy News) – Israeli cities could be bombarded with 1,500 rockets a day, and the death toll could quickly reach into the hundreds should war with the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon break out, according to a military assessment shared Thursday.
Army officials said the predictions of fierce fighting and carnage on Israel’s homefront formed the basis of exercises carried out recently as part of the massive month-long “Chariots of Fire” drill, now in its third week.
During the exercise — scheduled to last through June 3 — troops have been practicing responding to sudden events in multiple theaters simultaneously, with a focus on defending the northern border, according to the IDF. [ Source: Times of Israel (Read More…) ]
In Israeli wargame, ground incursion needed in case of war with Hezbollah
Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi said in case of a war against Hezbollah, ground forces, will have to operate across the Lebanon border, in order to defeat the Iran backed force.
The Chief of staff said the Lebanon based terror group has a dedicated elite force they call the Radwan Force trained to breach the border and enter northern Israel to occupy a military base or a one of the Israeli communities, to be used for propaganda reasons, and that the IDF is prepared to foil any such attempts and a new barrier is being constructed along the border. [ Source : Ynet News (Read More…) ]
IDF worried it doesn’t have enough munitions for multiple-front war
The Israeli military is concerned that it does not yet have the necessary amount of munitions needed to strike the thousands of enemy targets in Lebanon and Gaza that it plans to hit should a multi-front war break out.
Israel purchased tens of thousands of precision-guided munitions from the United States in recent years but used hundreds of joint direct attack munitions (JDAM) during Operation Guardian of the Walls last May necessitating restocking its supply.
All JDAMs have since been replenished by Washington, and the military plans to acquire far more before 2024, and will increase that number by even more by 2030. [ Source: Jerusalem Post (Read More…) ]