Iran Reportedly Preparing Major Strike from Iraq Within Days Before U.S. Election

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by Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – Iran may be planning an attack on Israel from Iraqi territory using its terrorist proxies with a large arsenal of drones and ballistic missiles, possibly ahead of the U.S. presidential election, according to Israeli intelligence cited by two Israeli sources, Axios reported on Thursday.

Iran’s decision to use pro-Iranian militias in Iraq for a possible retaliatory strike against Israel, rather than launching from its own territory, appears aimed at avoiding further Israeli attacks on critical sites within Iran.

This strategy may be intended to limit direct confrontation following Israel’s recent “Days of Repentance” operation, which reportedly left Iran “defenseless” and “naked” by destroying key air defense and radar installations.

Earlier this week, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reportedly instructed his forces to prepare for a direct attack on Israel, seeing last week’s retaliatory strike by the Jewish nation as too significant to ignore. While publicly downplaying the extent of the damage, Khamenei privately approved a counterattack plan in a meeting with his Supreme National Security Council, according to three Iranian officials who spoke with The New York Times.

Khamenei allegedly made this decision on Monday after reviewing a detailed damage assessment from military officials. The report outlined the impact of Israel’s strikes on Tehran’s missile production facilities and defense systems, which appear to have sustained significant damage.

On Thursday, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Hossein Salami stated that Israel made a mistake with last week’s attack on Iran, warning that Iran’s response would be “unlike any scenario” Israel might anticipate.

Meanwhile Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed on Thursday that stopping Iran’s nuclear program remains his top policy priority. Speaking to Israeli soldiers, he stated, “halting the nuclear program has been—and remains—our chief concern.”

Netanyahu emphasized that preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is the “supreme objective” for Israel’s armed forces and all security services. While stated he couldn’t share details of his plans, as doing so could jeopardize their success. However, he noted that Israel currently has greater freedom to act within Iran and, if necessary, could “strike anywhere in Iran.”

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