US Ministry Sees God Touching the Lives of Prisoners, Delivering Them From Darkness

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – A national US prison ministry has shared remarkable stories of how God has touched the lives of hundreds of inmates, bringing them spiritual freedom in Christ, CBN News reports.
Founded in 2009, the God Behind Bars ministry exists to “introduce inmates to Jesus and connect them to the local church.” The ministry uses satellite campus churches, inmate tablets, and Pando – a faith-based app containing worship music and Christian resources – to reach over 2.3 million prisoners in the United States.
Among those who have been saved through the ministry is Daniel, a former gang member who had been in a satanic cult. “I’ve seen the glory of God,” Daniel told the ministry. “There is nobody greater. There is nobody more powerful, nobody more dangerous, which is good when you need a warrior on your side. He is a man of battle, for real.”
“About a year ago is when God took me out of the satanic cult,” Daniel added. “I had been with the Lord before that, but I backslid and wasn’t involved in church anymore, so it was an accident that I became part of [the cult] when I was trying to learn deeper things.”
In a separate report about a service in which 25 men who were detained in a maximum security prison gave their lives to Christ, God Behind Bars stated: “One man who got baptized was leading a Wiccan group, came to Jesus, and was baptized! Another man (who came) to this service for the first time invited Jesus into his life and was baptized! Another man has been in prison for 40 years and is serving a life sentence. He wasn’t signed up to be baptized but made the spontaneous decision to be baptized.”