Nearly Half of British Jews Considered Leaving the UK Since the Oct.7 Attack on Israel, Poll


by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – A new survey shows that nearly half (47%) of British Jews have considered leaving the United Kingdom after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas triggered an international outpouring of antisemitism. The UK, in particular, saw massive, weekly, anti-Israel protests, with British Jews reporting they felt unsafe.

The survey was conducted by the UK-based Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) non-profit organization with 3,744 participants between November 12-17, 2023. “Respondents were required to self-identify as Jewish and confirm that they lived in the United Kingdom,” the CAA explained in its report. Participants were contacted through religious bodies, Jewish online networks, and community welfare organizations, among other groups.

Well over half (61%) of the CAA survey participants said they or someone they knew had experienced anti-semitism after the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Notably, 69% of the survey participants said they were less likely to wear symbols of Jewish faith, such as a kippah or a Star of David, since the Oct. 7 massacre.

A massive 90% of the survey participants said they would avoid city centers if one of the mass anti-Israel demonstrations is taking place. “Our urban centers have become no-go zones for Jews,” the CAA authors noted in their report.

Almost all (97%) of participants said they feel “personally connected” to Israel. “Eight in ten British Jews consider themselves to be a Zionist,” the CAA report noted. “Only six percent do not.

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