Britain’s Labour Party Heading Towards Huge Victory

United Kingdom

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News

LONDON (Worthy News) – Britain’s Labour Party headed for a massive majority in the election, ending 14 years of Conservative rule after public anger over economic, social, and political turmoil.

The poll released moments after voting officially ended on Thursday indicated that Labour leader Keir Starmer will be the country’s next prime minister.

Pollster Ipsos conducts Britain’s exit poll and asks people at scores of polling stations to fill out a replica ballot showing how they have voted. It usually provides a reliable, though not exact, projection of the final result.

Voters appeared to be punishing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s governing Conservative Party amid concerns over issues ranging from the economy and migration to the ailing healthcare system.

Additionally, voters were fuming over the economic fallout of Brexit when Britain exited the European Union and the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Voters didn’t forget the Partygate scandal, which saw the then-prime minister partying while the nation was supposed to be in COVID lockdown.


Britain’s exit poll said Labour was on course to win about 410 seats in the 650-seat House of Commons and the Conservatives 131.

That would be the Tories’ worst result in the party’s two-century history and would leave the party in disarray, analysts said.

Ruth Davidson, the former leader of the Scottish Conservatives, said the exit poll pointed to a “massacre” for the party.

The projection suggested that the Conservatives would end up with its lowest number of seats in the House of Commons since 1906.

Yet the future looked bright for Starmer as the center-left Labour Party’s 61-year-old leader was poised to take the top position.

Some in Britain recalled the election results of 1997 when Tony Blair led Labour to a similar landslide victory after the party had been out of power for longer than it had been — 18 years compared to the current 14.


The Liberal Democrats were due to take 61 seats, the Reform UK 13, the Scottish National Party 10, Plaid Cymru four, and the Greens 2 after Rishi Sunak surprised the country six weeks ago by calling a summer poll.

Nigel Farage, the flamboyant Reform UK leader, described his anti-migration right-wing party’s early results as “almost unbelievable” and predicted it would win more than six million votes.

The Reform leader said it showed that “the revolt against the establishment is underway.”

“It means we’re going to win seats – many, many seats, I think – right now across the country,” he added in a video message on social media.

“This is going to be six million votes, plus this folks is huge.”

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