Netanyahu: Intense Rafah Military Operation Against Hamas Nearing End, Shifts Focus to Hezbollah

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by Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated on Sunday night that the intense phase of the military operation in Rafah is nearing completion. He explained that the next objective is to halt Hezbollah’s attacks along the country’s northern border.

“The intensive phase of the war against Hamas is about to end. It doesn’t mean that the war is about to end, but its intensive phase is about to end in Rafah,” Netanyahu explained in a wide-ranging interview with Israel Channel 14, referring to the city previously considered a safe zone in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.

“We will continue afterward to mow the lawn; we will not give up. We hit them hard,” he continued in Hebrew.

“After this, we will have the option to move part of the force to the north. We will do that,” Netanyahu added.

The Israeli leader also mentioned he was “ready to make a partial deal” that would secure the release of “some of the hostages,” but emphasized that Israel would continue its operations in Gaza even with a cease-fire “to achieve the goal of eliminating” Hamas.

Hamas criticized Netanyahu’s stance for a partial deal as a “clear rejection” of President Joe Biden’s proposal for a comprehensive three-phase agreement to end the Gaza conflict and release hostages.

In response, Netanyahu’s office clarified late Sunday that it is Hamas that is resisting a deal, not Israel.

The Biden administration has reiterated that negotiations are being stalled by Hamas.

Netanyahu emphasized Israel’s openness to a diplomatic resolution to the Hezbollah threat, insisting, “It must be on our terms.”

He elaborated that any diplomatic solution must include the “physical removal of Hezbollah from the border.”

“We will have to enforce it,” Netanyahu declared, highlighting the necessity for safety as he referred to the scores of thousands of citizens who fled their communities in the North on October 7 and have yet to return safely.

Hezbollah’s attacks along the Israel-Lebanon border breached U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701. This resolution restricts the presence of armed personnel, assets, and weapons in the demilitarized zone stretching from south of the Litani River to the Blue Line border with Israel, permitting only U.N. peacekeeping forces and the Lebanese government to maintain security there.

Both the United States and Israel recognize Hezbollah as an Iranian-backed terrorist organization based in Lebanon.

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