Christians Suffering Shortages of Medicines In Lebanon

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By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News

BEIRUT (Worthy News) – Hundreds of Christian families in Lebanon have received medicines, but thousands more still await securing medication, Christian aid workers told Worthy News.

“Political instability, high unemployment. Inflation. Lebanon’s economic crisis continues to worsen – and thousands of our Christian brothers and sisters are among the worst affected,” the Barnabas Aid group said.

“It is estimated that 80 percent of the Lebanese population is below the poverty line, and 36 percent live on less than $2.15 a day.”

In these “spiraling conditions in Lebanon, everyday believers must choose what to make do without. Christians rationing their precious medicines,” the group added

Among those suffering are many Christian refugees, Worthy News established. “Lebanon remains a country hosting the largest number of refugees per capita and per square kilometer in the world, with the Government’s estimation of 1.5 million Syrian refugees and some 11,238 refugees of other nationalities,” said the United Nations refugee organization UNHCR.

“One of the things that has suffered the most is the consistent and affordable access to medication,” a Barnabas Aid group partner said. “We have received many calls for help from Christian families.”


Barnabas Aid told Worthy News that there are “many chronically ill Christians who require regular medication. They are beginning to spread out what little medication they have in a desperate attempt to make it last longer.”

Barnabas Fund said that it was able to provide some support to Christians through help from its supporters.

“You are not only family but a light to everyone who comes to you,” said Therese, an impoverished Lebanese believer, in comments shared with Worthy News.

She now receives monthly help from Barnabas Aid to cover the medical needs of her 95-year-old father and 76-year-old mother.

“Through our project partners, Christians in Lebanon are receiving the help they need in securing medication that would be otherwise out of reach. “

Barnabas Aid has been asking for donations and prayers for needy Christians.

Concerns about the health of Christians come at a time when parts of the face country face dangers due to attacks by the Hezbollah group towards Israel and counter-attacks from Israel’s military.

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