70,000 People Turn Out to Hear the Gospel in Central London

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – While Britain struggles with the effects of secularism and its Church of England remains deeply divided over LGBTQ issues, some 70,000 people turned out in the heart of London to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ last month. The May 4 event was organized by British evangelist Daniel Chand, founder of the UK-based evangelistic organization Walking Like Jesus Ministries (WLJM).
Set in London’s iconic Trafalgar Square, the event saw tens of thousands of people standing and singing worship songs such as the traditional hymn “Amazing Grace,” and listening to diverse evangelists sharing the Gospel with them.
“Religion is about humans trying to find God, but Christianity is God demonstrating His grace to come down to find us,” preached Chand, a British graduate of the Reinhard Bonnke School of Evangelism. “Jesus was forsaken for one moment so you will never be forsaken for all of eternity, this is the power of the Gospel!” Chand exhorted.
“When Christ died He rose from the dead and proved there is life after death,” another, elderly, evangelist exhorted from the stage.”
In another message, a lady evangelist explained during her message the stage: “What will count is where you will go when you take your final breath!
In a website statement about the event, WLJM says: “Saturday 4th May we witnessed not only history but prophecy being filled. Paul declared in Romans 1:16 ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.’ We witnessed unity within the body of Christ as many came to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, we stood together in one accord and saw many souls saved, bodies healed, and minds set free by the power of God.”
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