China: Two Imprisoned Church Leaders In Poor Health

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by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – Concerns are intensifying for the health of two house church leaders in eastern China who have been imprisoned on charges of alleged fraud, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

Leaders of the underground Ganquan Church in Hefei, Anhui, Pastor Zhou Songlin and Elder Ding Zhongfu were arrested and imprisoned in November, ICC reports. Both men are now reported to be very ill, with symptoms including chest pain and dizziness. Pastor Songlin has stated he is afraid he may die in jail.

Ganquan house church is considered “illegal” by the Chinese government because it refuses to register under the state-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM), China’s only approved church. Strictly regulated by the government, TSPM churches have to declare loyalty to the communist regime, preach sermons in support of the government, and promote Chinese nationalism and culture. As it is an illegal entity, the Ganquan church is not allowed to purchase property.

Communist authorities have accused Songlin and Zhongfu of illegally using church funds to buy property in their own names, ICC reports. Fourteen other church members were originally detained with them, but the two men alone remain in prison. Church members have spoken in their defense, saying the two leaders had done nothing wrong and were operating under strict financial controls.

In a statement published by Bitter Winter on May 1, Songlin and Zhongfu’s wives pleaded for their husbands’ release, explaining: “For more than twenty years, Ganquan Church has been based on the Christian faith, strictly following the teachings of the Bible, honoring God and benefiting people, and self-regulating its congregation, in accordance with the Christian Church’s thousands (of) years of tradition, drawing on its own resources, and maintaining the normal operation of the church. The church has a strict financial management system, and the management and use of all funds are supervised by many people with Elder Ding reporting to the congregation as treasurer.”

China is ruled by the oppressive authoritarian Chinese Communist Party and ranks 19 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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