3-Day Evangelistic Event On U.S. Southern Border: “Jesus Is The Only Answer”

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by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – Convinced that Jesus is the only answer to the decades-long crisis of illegal immigration on the United States’ southern border with Mexico, an evangelist leader of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) is hosting ‘Revival On The Border,’ a 3-day evangelistic and prayer event that will be held in Texas from March 27-29.

NHCLC is the world’s largest group of Evangelical Hispanic and Latino congregations and has thousands of member churches. The organization’s Chief Operating Officer is evangelist Tony Suarez, who will be leading the Revival on the Border tent meetings in El Paso and McCallen.

The southern border crisis is an enormous, complex issue involving national security and the need to defend the USA from powerful drug cartels and other dangerous criminal elements, as well as huge numbers of vulnerable people seeking refuge in America from brutal regimes such as that in Nicaragua.

“The only answer to the issues plaguing our southern border is Jesus!,” Suarez’ ministry website reads. “Join us for one of these powerful preaching and healing crusades along our southern border as we minister in English and Spanish.”

In a statement to CBN News about the upcoming meetings, Suarez attested: “The last time we had immigration reform, Ronald Reagan was the president and I was in kindergarten. But it’s an issue that every election cycle is used for campaign fodder. It doesn’t matter if it’s Republican or Democrat; they’ll use this issue, and then once they’re in office, they do absolutely nothing with the issue.”

“What I’m contending for is that the answer to everything from border security to the human issue is Jesus Christ,” Suarez said. “And, if Washington won’t act, then the kingdom must act, and, so, that’s why we’re going to the border.”

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