U.S. Submits Ceasefire Proposal to United Nations Security Council In Bid to Pause Israel’s Advance into Rafah

united nations security council

by Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – The United States has put forward an alternative draft for a United Nations Security Council resolution to ‘“support for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza as soon as practicable, based on the formula of all hostages being released,” according to Reuters, and such a move “would have serious implications for regional peace and security, and therefore underscores that such a major ground offensive” in Rafah, Hamas’ last stronghold in the Gaza Strip, “should not proceed under current circumstances.”

The proposal represents a new direction in diplomatic efforts, mirroring sentiments President Joe Biden recently expressed in conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The introduction of this resolution marks a notable shift in the US’s stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict. It underscores the US’s concern over the humanitarian impact of a potential large-scale ground invasion into Rafah, particularly highlighting the risks of increased civilian casualties and displacement.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has indicated that of the remaining six Hamas battalions targeted for dismantlement, four are located in Rafah, currently home to over a million displaced Palestinians. The draft resolution published by Reuters reflects U.S. concerns about the extensive displacement of civilians. It asserts that, given the current situation, a significant ground offensive into Rafah would lead to further civilian harm and displacement, potentially affecting neighboring countries as well.

The U.S.’s move to draft its own resolution seems to stem from increasing international pressure for a more assertive approach to ending the conflict in Gaza.

However, the report did not specify when the 15-member council would vote on the resolution crafted by the United States or whether it would even be voted on.

Israeli officials have indicated that the timeline for a major operation in Rafah is aimed to be before Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, starting this year on March 10. The temporary hold on Israel’s significant military push into Rafah is due to extensive planning to mitigate international concerns regarding the displacement of a million Palestinians.

Nonetheless, behind-the-scenes preparations are underway on how Israel plans to address the humanitarian impact while committing to eliminating Hamas from the Gaza Strip. The Wall Street Journal revealed last week that Israel proposed establishing 15 camp cities, each accommodating approximately 25,000 displaced Palestinians from Rafah, across the southwestern part of the Gaza Strip. Additionally, the report outlined that Egypt would oversee the construction of these proposed camps and field hospitals.

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