US Designates Pakistan as a “Country of Particular Concern” for Violating Religious Freedom

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – While Pakistan’s Islamic government claims to promote religious freedom, the facts on the ground have this month placed the country on the US List of “Countries of Particular Concern” alongside countries such as Iran and China, Morning Star News (MSN) reports.
The State Department on Jan. 4 designated Pakistan as a “Country of Particular Concern” for having “engaged in or tolerated particularly severe violations of religious freedom,” MSN reports. The department called on Pakistan and other governments on its CPC list to end communal violence, attacks on religious minorities, and prison terms for peaceful expression of faith.
In a statement to MSN, Bishop Azad Marshall, president of the Church of Pakistan, cited the Islamic extremist on Christians in Jaranwala tehsil of Faisalabad District last year as an example of why Pakistan is dangerous for religious minorities. “The day-long attacks on Christians in Jaranwala as law enforcement personnel looked on as mere spectators, and the provincial government’s persistent refusal to launch a judicial inquiry into the incident to hold the negligent officials accountable, is in itself a charge sheet against the government,” Bishop Marshall said.
The Open Doors international Christian advocacy group confirms in its current website statement about the situation facing Christians in Pakistan: “In addition to social hostility, Christians also experience apathy from the authorities who should protect them.”
“The police force is more interested in appeasing local strongmen than implementing the law and protecting minorities,” Open Doors continues. “Courts have a slightly better track record in enforcing the law fairly, but lengthy delays are commonplace. Christians often languish in prison for years before judgment is handed down, and it is then too late to bring about change.”
Mirroring US concern about the country’s violations of religious freedom, Pakistan has long ranked high on the Open Doors World Watch List of the top 50 nations where Christians are persecuted, currently ranking 7th on the WWL.
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