FBI and Homeland Security Issue PSA of Potential Lone Wolf Attacks This Holiday Season

by Emmitt Barry, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – On Tuesday, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security released a Public Service Announcement cautioning that the conflict in the Middle East has “likely increased the risk of lone-actor violence at large public gatherings during the winter season.”
Possible targets for these threats encompass holiday and faith-related events, New Year’s Eve celebrations, and protests connected to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.
Following the attack by HAMAS on Israel on October 7, several international terrorist media outlets have advocated for lone-actor attacks in the United States. In addition, there has been a rise in calls for violence by racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs), who have also expressed approval of attacks against the Jewish community, the agencies said in the announcement.
“Lone actors may seek to disrupt or escalate violence at large gatherings, high profile events, or symbolic or religious locations throughout the winter. Such gatherings could become a convenient target for those inspired to commit violence against Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Arab communities. Hate crime perpetrators have also played a role in violence and threats of violence,” the advisory said.
The agencies noted that there has been a noticeable uptick in false bomb threats and fictitious active shooter alerts targeting synagogues throughout the United States. These threats are likely aimed at disrupting religious services and intimidating congregations.
Last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray stated that the United States has been confronting unprecedented terrorist threats since the start of the Israel–Hamas conflict in October.
During his congressional hearing, FBI Director Wray was questioned by Senator Graham (R-SC) about the current state of national security threats. Senator Graham referred to the pre-9/11 situation, saying, “So, the blinking red lights analogy about 9/11 — all the lights were blinking red before 9/11. Obviously, all of us missed it. Would you say there are multiple blinking red lights out there?” he inquired of the Director.
“I see blinking red lights everywhere,” Wray answered.