Turkey Legislator Collapses After Warning Israel Of ‘Wrath of Allah’

By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
ANKARA (Worthy News) – A Turkish legislator has collapsed in parliament after suffering a heart attack at the end of a speech in which he condemned Israel and said the Jewish nation wouldn’t be able to “escape the wrath of Allah,” Worthy News learned Wednesday.
Hasan Bitmez, 53, of the conservative Felicity Party, delivered an address Tuesday at the General Assembly of the Turkish parliament.
He ended his remarks by saying that “we can perhaps hide from our conscience but not from history” and by addressing the State of Israel: “You will not escape the wrath of Allah.”
He then added, “I salute you all,” before falling to the ground at the podium, with his head hitting the floor. Fellow members of the assembly rushed to his side, footage showed.
Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said Bitmez was hospitalized and that his condition was “extremely critical and serious.”
“During angiography, it was seen that two main veins were completely blocked, and after the intervention did not yield any results, he was connected to a heart-lung pump,” Koka added. “He is now vital with a heart-lung pump.”
Bitmez, a diabetic, was also criticizing the Turkish government’s policy regarding the Israel-Hamas war, apparently suggesting a tougher response towards Israel.