At Independence Day ceremony, Netanyahu says Israel’s miracles ‘only possible when we march together’

(Worthy News) – Speaking in a pre-recorded message broadcast at the Independence Day ceremony on Mount Herzl, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to call for unity amid widespread divisions and protests against his government.
“Let’s stop all the noise for a moment, let’s look for a moment at the great wonder that is called the State of Israel. How many miracles have we achieved here in the last 75 years as one people?” Netanyahu asks (in Hebrew) over a montage of Israel’s accomplishments.
“As one people,” he says, “we rose from the ashes of the Holocaust to the summit of rebirth.”
“As one people,” he continues, Israel won its wars, absorbed millions of immigrants, built a thriving economy, achieved historic peace agreements, developed the cities and infrastructure of the nation, and built the IDF, “with the world’s best male and female soldiers, protecting us all.”
“There are still miracles ahead of us — achieving security, strengthening our economy and widening the circle of peace,” he says. “All these miracles and many more are only possible when we march together. ” [ Source: Times of Israel (Read More…) ]