Israeli PM Reinstates Defense Minister Gallant Despite Earlier Dismissal

benjamin netanyahu worthy christian news

(Worthy News) – Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, speaking at a press conference on Monday night, announced that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant would remain in his post, despite earlier announcements of his dismissal.

The prime minister’s address came in response to growing public anger over the recent wave of terrorist attacks. He attributed the attacks to the weakness of the previous government and the protest movement against his government. Netanyahu claimed that under the previous government, the number of terrorist attacks doubled and that the Bennett-Lapid government transferred gas fields off Israel’s Mediterranean coast “to the enemy without anything in return.” He also blamed Opposition Leader Yair Lapid for warning of a national collapse, saying that such talk emboldened Israel’s enemies. However, Netanyahu assured the public that his government would reestablish deterrence and “defeat our enemies.”

As Israel faced attacks from multiple fronts this weekend, Gallant, whose firing had been announced and then tacitly walked back last month, kept a low profile. Benny Gantz, former defense minister and senior member of the opposition, commented on the situation on national television instead. [ Source: Media Line (Read More…) ]

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