All Signs Point to Imminent Israeli Attack on Iran

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(Worthy News) – Is Israel about to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities? It sure looks that way. The Jewish state has been preparing for years for such an eventuality, and now it appears the time has arrived.

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Raphael Grossi, met with Iranian officials on Saturday and then issued a statement that it would be “illegal” for anyone to carry out an attack on a nuclear facility. Grossi had previously warned that Iran was on the verge of going nuclear.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded that Grossi had made an “unworthy” assertion, hinting that perhaps the IAEA chief was pressured to say what he said by his Iranian hosts.

Meanwhile, America’s two top military officials – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense – are in the midst of unscheduled visits to Israel. General Mark Milley arrived last Friday and met with Israel’s chief of staff and defense minister, and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will do the same later this week. [ Source: Israel Today (Read More…) ]

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