Revival Goes Nationwide, Hits Theaters After ‘Jesus Revolution’ Film as Well as ORU, Portland, Ohio State

(Worthy News) – The move of God that began as the Asbury Awakening is becoming increasingly decentralized as it spreads across the country. It’s popping up in all types of spots, from secular colleges to theaters to youth events to special church services, with passionate responses to God’s outpouring of His Holy Spirit.
The outpouring has been felt at the Western Kentucky University at Bowling Green, where groups of students have been gathering together for prayer and worship. One meeting last week was attended by hundreds of people on the main lawn of the campus to worship and pray together and share their testimonies, according to The Christian Post.
Baptist Campus Ministry Pastor Tommy Johnson told CP the student gatherings were directly a result of the Asbury revival. [ Source: CBN News (Read More…) ]