Gantz Speaks to Netanyahu: Calls for Talks on Judicial Reform

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(Worthy News) – Opposition MK Benny Gantz (National Unity party) was the first opposition member to break ranks today, after he announced that he spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana and asked them to not open the Knesset plenum for discussion and legislation until things calms down, and they’ll go together tonight to speak to President Isaac Herzog. Gantz said, “History won’t forgive whoever didn’t try to stop a civil war.”

Netanyahu has been calling for anyone in the opposition to simply agree to talk with the coalition about the judicial reform bill and reach a compromise, but until now, his calls have been met by deaf ears, or unrealistic demands and preconditions to stop legislation for 2 months. Netanyahu invited Gantz to meet with him at the Prime Minister’s office. Netanyahu responding to Gantz said, “My door is open, come right now.”

This morning, the Knesset Constitution Law and Justice committee chairman Simcha Rothman said he would hold off any progress on the judicial reform bill for a week to create an opportunity for the opposition to agree to talk. But no one took him up on the offer. [ Source: Jewish World Press (Read More…) ]

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