Chinese Spy Balloon Shot Down off the Coast Was Carrying 2,000 Pounds of Electronics
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 | Tag Cloud Tags: Balloon, China, Military, Pentagon | Learn about our FREE SYNDICATION Service | Sign up for our Worthy Briefs! | Printer Friendly

(Worthy News) – Pentagon officials say a “significant amount” of the electronic technology that was suspended below that Chinese spy balloon that flew over the U.S. and was shot down 10 days ago has now been lifted from the floor of the Atlantic.
Officials say the payload carried by the balloon weighed around 2,000 pounds and was the size of three school buses.
In addition to the craft shot down off South Carolina, military jets downed a slow-flying cylindrical object in Alaska, a similar object in Canada, and an octagonal object over Lake Huron. [ Source: CBN News (Read More…) ]
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