24 hours in Jerusalem: three terror attacks

(Worthy News) – Israel is experiencing a wave of terrorist attacks focused on Jerusalem. Many of these attacks are being carried out by young boys, many armed with handguns.
An IDF Border Police officer was killed on Monday night during a stabbing attack by a 13-year-old Palestinian terrorist. 22-year-old Staff Sgt. Asil Sawaed was carrying out a security check on a bus in the Shuafat neighborhood of Jerusalem when the terrorist attacked him. A civilian security guard accompanying Sawaed fired his weapon, inadvertently killing him. Sawaed, a Bedouin, was buried on Tuesday in the village of Husniyeh in Northern Israel.
Shortly after the attack, a contingent of IDF soldiers entered Shuafat to arrest people connected with the incident. They were attacked by stone-throwing and a car sped toward them. The soldiers opened fire as per the IDF rules of engagement and the driver was neutralized. The Arab driver was taken for treatment after the incident. [ Source (Read More…) ]