Border Patrol Council head says number of terrorists coming across the border has been skyrocketing

(Worthy News) – President of the National Border Patrol Council Brandon Judd said that the number of terrorists coming across the southern border has increased dramatically during the Biden administration.
“When you look at years past, if we apprehended six people on the terrorist watch list, that was a lot,” Judd said on Tuesday’s edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “We apprehended 17 in the the month of December.”
Judd said that this was a big deal since December is supposed to be a slower month for Border Patrol.
“To put that in perspective, December is supposed to be our slowest month, yet we broke records in the month of December,” he explained. “Again this is scary for the American people if they understand what’s going on with border security.” [ Source: Just the News (Read More…) ]