Netanyahu: In a democracy there will be no call to civil riots

(Worthy News) – “In a democratic country, the leaders of the opposition are not arrested, just as the government ministers are not called Nazis, the Jewish government isn’t called the Third Reich and the citizens are not called to start a civil rebellion,” PM Benjamin Netanyahu told President Herzog in a call on Tuesday, Maariv reported.
The call came after an appeal by the President to politicians and citizens to calm the public discourse in the country, in a statement published on Twitter on Tuesday.
President Herzog’s statement read: “The values of the Declaration of Independence are the compass of our country – I will not let anyone harm them. This is a sensitive and explosive time in the Israeli public. I am aware of the voices from both sides, of all the pain, worries and anxieties. I do not ignore this and it is on my mind constantly. [ Source: Jerusalem Post (Read More…) ]
Lapid, Gantz call for public unrest amid ‘brewing civil war’
Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid on Monday called the government’s proposed judicial reforms an “extreme regime change” and vowed to continue fighting in streets across the country in “a war over our home.”
His comments were echoed by National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz, who said: “If you [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] continue the way you are going, the responsibility for the civil war that is brewing in Israeli society will be on you.”
“This is the time to go out en masse to demonstrate, the time to make the country tremble,” Gantz added. [ Source: JNS News (Read More…) ]