Israeli Jews Support Christians after Church-Run Cemetery Desecrated

(Worthy News) – Dozens of Jewish Israelis paid a solidarity visit to a Christian cemetery in Jerusalem after it was desecrated, apparently by Orthodox Jews, earlier this week. The incident, which parallels an untold number of descecrations of Jewish graves in Christian countries, has many people in Israel calling for stricter punishment for hate crimes.
Security camera footage on social media shows what looks to be two Jewish men wearing yarmulkes (Jewish head coverings), entering the cemetery. They then pull over tombstones and damage graves.
David Pileggi, the Anglican rector of Christ Church which administers the cemetery, said, “It has been vandalized, and in an ongoing way, over many years. But several days ago, the vandalism was quite severe, and at least 30 tombstones were destroyed; many of those tombstones had crosses. So, this was certainly an act of bigotry, or you might say, anti-Christian vandalism.” [ Source: CBN News (Read More…) ]