Vaccine-Evasive Omicron Subvariant on the Rise
Sunday, January 1, 2023 | Tag Cloud Tags: covid-19, Omnicron, Vaccine | Learn about our FREE SYNDICATION Service | Sign up for our Worthy Briefs! | Printer Friendly

(Worthy News) – The COVID-19 omicron subvariant XBB.1.5 is quickly becoming the dominant strain in the United States. In the past week, it has doubled its spread. Now 41% of new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. consist of it.
CNBC reported Friday that the new variant is more effective at avoiding vaccine protection than other variants. The report notes that the XBB subvariant family has many mutations. And such mutations could render the COVID-19 vaccines, as well as the boosters designed to fight XBB or omicron, less effective.
Andrew Pekosz, a virologist at Johns Hopkins University, said XBB.1.5 differs from its family members because it has an additional mutation that binds it to cells better. [ Source: NewsMax (Read More…) ]
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