Norway: Lesbian artist faces possible jail time for saying men cannot become pregnant

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – A lesbian artist in Norway is now facing a possible prison sentence for hate speech after posting on Facebook in October that men can neither become pregnant nor become lesbian, the Christian Post reports. Tonje Gjevjon has been outspoken in criticizing trans activists and Norwegian politicians for promoting “gender identity” policies at the expense of women’s rights.
Determined to draw attention to the severity of Norwegian hate speech law, in her October post, Gjevjon responded to trans-identifying males who called themselves lesbians, saying: “It’s just as impossible for men to become lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant. Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes. Men with fetishes have been protected as a vulnerable minority through the foolish and constructed concept of gender identity is koko.”
Gjevjon became the subject of a police investigation after Christine Jentoft, a Norwegian trans activist and a representative of the trans activist group Foreningen FRI, filed criminal hate speech charges against her, the Christian Post reports.
The artist went on to challenge Norway’s Labour Party, saying “Put this lesbian in jail, Minister of Culture and Equality Anette Trettebergstuen!” Gjevjon had previously asked Trettebergstuen during a Labour Party open discussion last year how she would protect the rights of women and girls, and whether men could be lesbians.
“I believe it is absolutely necessary to place biological sex as the basis in all contexts where sex has legal, cultural, or practical relevance, and that equating sex with gender identity has harmful, discriminatory consequences for women and girls — especially lesbians,” Gjevjon asked during her question to the minister.
“Will the Equality Minister take action to ensure that lesbian women’s human rights are safeguarded, by making it clear that there are no lesbians with penises, that males cannot be lesbians regardless of their gender identity, and by tidying up the mess of the harmful gender policies left behind by the previous government?” Gjevjon added. Trettebergstuen answered: “I do not share an understanding of reality where the only two biological sexes are to be understood as sex. Gender identity is also important.”