Uganda: Muslim extremists attack their own brothers for converting to Christ

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – Muslim extremists in eastern Uganda last month severely beat up two of their own brothers for leaving Islam and putting their faith in Christ, Morning Star News (MSN) reports. Although Muslims are a minority in Uganda, where Christianity is legal, Islamic extremists are carrying out attacks against preachers and new believers in Christ at an increasing rate.
Former Muslims and brothers Arafah Senyange, 28, and Zulufa Hajati Nakimuli, 43, put their faith in Christ in October after a pastor visited and shared the Gospel with Nakimuli, who then led his brother to Christ, MSN reports.
On November 13, the newly Christian brothers were studying the Bible outside their father’s home in Busembatia town when another of their brothers, local mosque leader Hamuza Lubega, approached and began to harangue them for leaving Islam, MSN reports.“Allah Akbar [God is greater],” Lubega shouted at the brothers as he took their Bibles and ripped pages of it, Nakimuli told MSN. Lubega then called their other brothers, Shafiki Kato and Ahmad Sewanyana, to join him.
“We were accused of bringing an unholy, corrupted book into the home of a Muslim family and following Issa [Jesus] as the Son of God, which is blasphemy in Islam,” Nakimuli told MSN. “Shafiki was sent to get some more family members with cane to use on us. As they arrived, they started beating us with it.”
Nakimuli was wounded across his entire body, including his face, and Senyange sustained deep cuts to his mouth, hands, and head, MSN reports. Fearing more violence from her husband’s family, Senyage’s wife took their three young children away to live with her Muslim relatives.