Outgoing Coalition Members Craft ‘Total War’ Plan to Create Chaos for Netanyahu Government

(Worthy News) – Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Friday berated the “insane” government being formed by a “weak” Benjamin Netanyahu. Meanwhile, according to a report in the newspaper Maariv, two members of the departing coalition are creating a “Total War” plan, designed to sow division in the new government and slow down or halt its planned legislation.
Lapid’s comments came as Netanyahu draws closer to completing his coalition majority. Netanyahu did formally ask President Isaac Herzog Thursday for another 14 days since his deadline for officially signing the deal is midnight Sunday.
“This government is insane,” Lapid posted in comments on Facebook.“It’s a difficult thing to say, but there’s no other way of describing it. Netanyahu is weak and is being extorted by younger and more determined partners. They are creating an unmanageable structure, a government unable to govern.” [ Source: CBN News (Read More…) ]