Biden wants African Union to be added to the Group of 20 nations

(Worthy News) – President Joe Biden plans to announce at next week’s U.S.-Africa summit that his administration supports adding the African Union as a permanent member of the Group of 20 nations, according to the White House.
The African Union represents the continent’s 54 countries. The G-20 is composed of the world’s major industrial and emerging economies and represents more than 80 percent of the world’s gross domestic product. South Africa is currently the only African member of the G-20.
“It’s past time Africa has permanent seats at the table in international organizations and initiatives,” the senior director for African affairs on the National Security Council, Judd Devermont, said in a statement Friday. “We need more African voices in international conversations that concern the global economy, democracy and governance, climate change, health, and security.” [ Source: PBS News (Read More…) ]