Less than a third of Americans believe Bible should determine right and wrong

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by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – A new study published Tuesday shows that less than a third of US adults believe the Bible should be America’s guide to determining right and wrong, the Christian Post reports. The study was the fourth installment of America’s Values Study carried out by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.

The study asked 2,275 adult Americans in July what they think should be “America’s foundation for determining right and wrong,” CP reports. Overall, 42% of the respondents answered: “what you feel in your heart.” A further 29% answered “majority rule” should determine right and wrong. Just 29% of respondents said the principles set out in the Bible should provide the basis for determining right and wrong in the US.

The study also showed that 71% of the respondents are in favor of “traditional moral values” defined as integrity, justice, kindness, non-discrimination, trustworthiness, free expression, property ownership, individual self-expression and self-control, CP said.

A large majority (82%) of respondents who identify as Christian said they support traditional moral values, CP said. This support was expressed by 67% of non-Christian respondents and 50% of respondents who said they had no faith affiliation at all.

Moreover, 91% of respondents who said the Bible is their source of moral guidance also support traditional moral values, CP said. Support for traditional moral values was expressed by 74% of respondents who look to society for moral guidance, 71% of those who depend on their family for such guidance, 67% of those who rely on themselves, and 50% of those who point to science as their source of moral guidance.

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