US Christian organization delivers 225,000 children’s Bibles to North Macedonia

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent
(Worthy News) – A Texas-based Christian organization has this year delivered 225,000 Children and Teen Bibles to North Macedonia, an eastern European country that was part of the former communist federation of Yugoslavia and where Bibles are still hard to come by.
Founded in 1961 to smuggle Bibles beyond the Iron Curtain, the Eastern Europe Mission (EEM) Christian organization works to supply Bibles and other free resources to wherever in the world they are needed.
The 225,000 Children and Teen Bibles in the Macedonian language were delivered in August and will be given as gifts to the school-aged children of the country, EEM said in their website report. Notably, the government of North Macedonia waived importation costs, saving EEM nearly $65,000.
A further 225,000 Bibles will be delivered in 2023 to complete what will be the largest book donation North Macedonia has ever received, EEM said.
During an event held to celebrate the donation, a local church leader from the city of Skopje told EEM representatives in attendance: “Christ loved children so much that he told adults to be like children. Thank you all for loving the Macedonia Children. You are showing the love of Christ to our children with this gift of Bibles.”
“Here [Macedonia], the Gospel seed was sown first by the apostle Paul, but this country, like all the countries of the world, has a need for the message of Christ to be continuously shared with each new generation,” the church leader added. “This is a book [Children’s Bible] with that Gospel message for every generation… You are providing for the need of our younger generation to know Christ and providing them an opportunity to practice in their lives what they are learning.
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