Israel begins rollout of COVID vaccines tailored to Omicron

(Worthy News) – Israel on Thursday began administering doses of coronavirus vaccines tailored to fight the highly infectious Omicron variant as its health authorities urged at-risk groups and those over 65 to get the shot.
The rollout of the new vaccine follows Israel’s world-leading drive to vaccinate its population early in 2021 and marks it out as one of the first countries to start distributing Omicron-specific vaccines. Health officials are now voicing growing concerns about increased COVID-19 infections in the upcoming winter.
Arsen Arutiunian, an official with the Israeli healthcare provider Clalit, said that there had been a “big demand” for the booster since the new campaign began. He said the clinic has been flooded with phone calls from people of all ages looking to schedule an appointment. [ Source: Times of Israel (Read More…) ]