California church that was fined over $200K for defying COVID-19 restrictions gets fines dropped

(Worthy News) – A California church that continued to hold services in defiance of county health orders that it close down during the COVID-19 pandemic has had its fines dropped after a nearly two-year battle.
“This is a significant victory for churches and pastors across this country,” Robert Tyler, president of Advocates for Faith & Freedom, said in a press release after the California Court of Appeal reversed an injunction against Calvary Chapel San Jose. “We are honored to represent pastors and churches who are willing to take the heat in defense of liberty because it benefits everyone.”
At issue was the church’s refusal to comply with health officials in Santa Clara County, who obtained a temporary restraining order and injunction in November 2020 against Calvary Chapel and two pastors, Mike McClure and Carson Atherly, after the church failed to follow pandemic health orders that included restrictions on in-person services, mask mandates, and a submission to the county of the church’s social distancing protocols. [ Source: Fox News (Read More…) ]