Iron Dome at 97% success rate after 580 rockets fired from Gaza since Friday
Sunday, August 7, 2022 | Tag Cloud Tags: Gaza Strip, Iron Dome, Islamic Jihad, Israel, Worthy News | Learn about our FREE SYNDICATION Service | Sign up for our Worthy Briefs! | Printer Friendly

(Worthy News) – The Iron Dome missile defense system has achieved a 97 percent success rate intercepting incoming rockets, amid almost non-stop barrages launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group since Friday, the Israel Defense Forces said Sunday.
The Sunday morning IDF data put the number of rockets and mortars launched toward Israel since Friday evening at 580. Iron Dome, which is used when the incoming projectile is headed for populated areas, intercepted 200 of them.
In addition, 120 projectiles fell short and landed in the Gaza Strip. [ Source: Times of Israel (Read More…) ]
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