Monday, July 18, 2022 |
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(Worthy News) – The former county clerk in Kentucky who refused to give same-sex couples marriage licenses and was branded a civil rights scofflaw says the conservative-leaning Supreme Court has bolstered her legal fight to clear her name.
Lawyers for Kim Davis, who has been fending off civil lawsuits from same-sex couples seeking damages, argued that recent Supreme Court decisions give new life to her claim that she wasn’t liable for her actions as a government employee.
In their latest filing to an appeals court, they cited the Supreme Court’s recent pro-religious liberty decisions siding with a Christian baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, a high school coach who prayed on the football field and in favor of religious charities that refused to place foster kids in same-sex couples’ homes. [ Source: Washington Times (Read More…) ]
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