Russian Official Who Carried Putin’s Nuclear Codes Found in ‘Pool of Blood’

(Worthy News) – A retired Russian security officer who was once tasked with carrying President Vladimir Putin’s briefcase containing nuclear codes was found shot in his home on Monday, according to reports.
The Kyiv Post reported that the retired colonel, Vadim Zimin, is currently in intensive care after being discovered by his brother in the city of Krasnogorsk, which is located near Moscow. The Ukrainian newspaper wrote that Russian state media said Zimin was found “in a pool of blood” after allegedly sustaining a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.
Zimin, 53, is a retired colonel of Federal Security Service (FSB)—Russia’s main security agency—who has been photographed with Putin while carrying the leader’s “Cheget.” The “Chaget” is Russia’s version of the nuclear football that would allow Putin to transmit launch orders for a nuclear attack, according to The Kyiv Post. [ Source: NewsWeek (Read More…) ]